(Deutsch) Calorimetry and Biocalorimetry, beyond the safety aspects

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(Deutsch) Calorimetry and Biocalorimetry, beyond the safety aspects

Reaction technology

  31. Januar 2023, 09.00 h - 12.15 h
  HEIA-Fribourg, Auditoire Edouard Gremaud

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Calorimetry is the process of measuring the amount of heat released or consumed during a chemical reaction. Thus, calorimetry is a key technology for the thermal risk assessment of chemical processes. The results of calorimetric investigation are routinely used in safety evaluation.

The purpose of this symposium is to show that calorimetry can be used for other applications beside safety. For example, it can be used for process optimization, scale-up, kinetic and thermodynamic investigation, material properties, reaction and process control, etc.


3 Verification of Scale Up Scale down conditions of non isothermal experiments through process trends analysis   (Size: 1.53 MB)


2 Calorimetry Beyond Safety 2023 Michal Dabros  (Size: 5.10 MB)


1 Symposium Fribourg Delphine Berset  (Size: 1.08 MB)


0 Calorimetry beyond Safety Symposium Introduction  (Size: 4.17 MB)


Programm Calorimetry  (Size: 457.13 KB)